My Gorilla-Maxx Truck I am Building for 2004

All of the truck was sold by the end of August 2004
It was a fun project and a learning experience

I am just in the starting stages of showing off things I am doing as I build this truck.

I wanted to do a step by step while I was building the truck, but I got ahead of myself and didn't get pictures taken when I should have and will be adding things as I remember to take pictures and as I add and change things.

First off I have to thank George of Gorilla Maxx for all his help he has given me with this project. He has been MORE then helpful every time I have had a question, and can answer all your questions about your Electric Project you might want to build

 For My Motor, and Pinions I want to thank Jamie Baker of Starluck RC drop him a note if you have any Motor Needs

Below you will find just a few of the pictures of my Electric Project truck and more Will be added

(Click the photos to get a better view)

  Different pics of my Chevrolet 2004 Body on truck

Showing how I went to 8 shocks over the 4 setup

Motor with Twin Heatsinks and aluminum brace

Nemesis 8L Motor

Schulze 18.97KWF Speed Controller

Pictures of how I made a mount to hold the AMB personnel transponder

Futaba Digital Steering Servo and Pro-Line Servo Saver

Transmission mount, Longer Driveshaft I made from the Stock Axles for more strength
I used a Robinson Racing Double Slipper clutch to help get the power to the transmission

Chassis and skids mounted. I went with Stock arms and Hardcore Skids

Showing the first stages of the suspension, I was going to put just 4 shocks on it, but ended up with 8 to get a firmer ride
and to keep body roll down. Used Ofna Titan shocks all the way around. With the Gorilla-Maxx Shock mounts you are
able to have unlimited mounting positions, very nice.
You will see that the batteries are held in place with Gorilla-Maxx Velcro battery straps.

Pictures of aftermarket Antenna Holder

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